meet paula

Have you ever considered that being you is a gift? 

This is a question that has deeply resonated with me. For the longest time, I didn't see the gift I was being in the world, no matter what I did.

It wasn't until my oldest child started saying things that I was thinking but not saying out loud, that I realized I needed to change what was in my head. I wanted something different for her, and in time, it became clear that I wanted something different for myself as well.

This choice led me on a journey to explore different holistic modalities, which eventually led me to the powerful tools of Access Consciousness and Talk to the Entities. Through these modalities, I have learned the art of asking questions, receiving, allowance and it is ok to be the difference I am.

I have studied and worked as a practitioner in:


Emotion and Body Code 

Theta Healing 

For the past 12 years

In 2020 I certified as:

Both certifications are yearly renewed.

I facilitate classes, clarity nights, swaps and private session and from time to time I attend other modality workshops also to include all that I can in my own life as well as have more available to me when required

This learning, along with my life lessons have given me the unique set of tools to create something different in the world.

As a result, I have started to see the gift that I am and can be. One of those gifts is being an invitation to a different possibility. I believe that we all have unique gifts to share with the world, and I am excited to help others discover and embrace their own gifts as well.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to connecting and creating  with you further.

Hello, I'm Paula, a mother of two, and I work in the corporate field. 

I am an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and a Talk to the Entities Certified Facilitator.

I enjoy facilitating classes and watching new possibilities show up for others.

My experiences include:

What's fun for me:

My invitation to you:


Abuse Hold Practitioner (AHP)
Access Body Process Practitioner (BP)
Access Bars Facilitator (BF)
Intro Class Facilitator (CFMW)
Access Certified Facilitator (CF)

Talk To The Entities Beginner Facilitator (TTTE CF)

Remember, what if being you is a gift?